Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hello to all....I'm much better after my scare Wed afternoon!! I forgot to tell you that Wednesday Savannah had an orthodontist appointment for the first stage of getting braces on. She had to have 4 spacers places between some of her back molars. Tuesday of this week she will go back to have those removed and start the next step towards getting a palette expander. Her upper arch is too narrow and she has crowding so that have to expand her teeth. She's excited about all of this and has anticipated it for a while.
Her Dad and I are not has bubbling over with joy because of course we have to foot the bill but its what she needs.
My Dad is doing better but still havng some ups and downs. They gave him a blood transfusion Friday and that really pepped him up. His color looked really good and seemed much more alert. My Mom is doing great. They feel she may be able to come home next week.
My sister Alane came down Friday from Maryland to visit for the weekend. I have been so busy I haven't actually gotten to see her but I will tomorrow when we go visit with my Dad again.
I was really busy today helping do my Dad's part with the selling of brunswick stew. The Ruritan Club that he's part of makes some every spring and fall and this was the weekend....if you've never tasted oh don't know what you're missin'...ITS GREAT!!!

Derrick's football team won the division conference. The team is still undefeated and will head to the playoffs in the next week or so. They are about 5 games away from the Super Bowl. He's very, very excited. He's really played well this season.

Well I'll have some pictures to post after tomorrow....Its Western Round-Up Sunday at church. That's always a fun time and the teens are selling hotdogs to raise money for the train trip next weekend. That's gonna be a fun time too. Well gotta head of to bed....long day tomorrow.
Remember...GOD IS GOOD...All the time!!