Here's pictures of the condo that Derrick was hunting from and pic of his deer. I got the low down of the story when he got home. It had begun to snow and was very windy. Dale spotted the 3-4 deer coming cross the ravine. Derrick was shaking from the cold as he opened the window....he rested his gun cross the ledge and one shot and she was down. He was so pumped and excited!!
WOW...Can't beleive a whole year has gone by. So much has been going in these last few months. Sorry I haven't updated the blog but its really the furthest thing from my mind.We had a really good Thanksgiving. Since my in-laws had the house fire there was not room in their apt at the time for turkey so I drove her and my daughter to their cabin for the day and cooked the whole meal for them. Dale and D.D. were already there because they were hunting. We all had a really nice time and drove back that evening. My Mom spend the day with my sister Alice so she wouldn't be in the house with memories. It was good being surrounded by family!! The following few days she spent with me while my husband and son were out of town. It was nice having her here just doing nothing stuff, messing around the house but basiclly chilling out!!Well....then came Christmas...such a busy time. Mom spend Christmas Eve with us at our house. The kids got everything they wanted and more!!! I GOT A LAPTOP...now with that you'd think I'll be able to post every day!! LOL. My mom went back to her house later that day as my sister Alane was coming in town with her family. The 26th my whole family had our gathering and them my mom headed off to Maryland to spend a few weeks with Alane's family. She's really enjoying a change in scenery!!!Church has been going really good. Alot has been happening, new familys, baptisms, GREAT sermons!!We're having a Watchnight New Year's Eve service tonight. Gonna have some good clean fun! Can't wait!.DERRICK JUST CALLED....HE SHOT HIS FIRST DEER....he got a doe!! GOD IS SO GOOD...I've been praying for him. His Daddy shot at one but they're still looking for the trail.VERY EXCITING FOR HIM!!! Papa was looking down on him I'm sure.Well gotta run for now. GOD IS GOOD, All the time!