Hello all. Saturday about 2:30. I got a call that my Dad had to be put back on the ventilator. He didn't look good last night when I saw him. I picked my mom up from Lucy Corr nursing home and took her to see him. They had not seen each other in little over a week.
He slept almost the whole time we were there. His carbon dioxide levels are extremely high. A healthy person's levels are around 40%, my dad's normal level is in the 70%...last night is was hovering around 81% and today it was much higher. His body has come accustomed to the the high levels but not that high. Its basically like carbon monoxide poisoning...very similar result thus he's very sleepy and disoriented.
Derrick had a game today...I will update on that later. Take care and until we speak again...Remember....GOD IS GOOD...All the time!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hooray for the weekend!

I'm so glad its Friday. What a week. Had its ups and downs. The upside to it is hat my Dad, Marshall Murphy is doing so much better. I went to visit with him last night. He has shown so much improvement. He will possibly move to a regular room today or by the weekend. He has been breathing on his own without the ventilator now for over 24 hours. The doctors were contemplating removing the trachea but that's still up in the air. GOD IS SO GOOD! I told him I had been fasting and praying for him all week long. God really showed himself to me this week!! What a mighty God we serve!!
My Mom, Frances is doing really well also. She has been walking with her walker and getting around really good. I'm going to take her to visit with my Dad this afternoon if she's feeling up to it. I know he'll be glad to see her.
Derrick has a football game at Midlothian High school tomorrow morning. I thank the Lord for keeping him safe. So many of our players have been injured this year...I believe we have about 5 or 6 kids out with broken arms or a leg between the Junior and Senior team. His team is still undefeated so far which mean they will be in the playoffs. He's really excited!
Savannah will start her basketball games Nov. 13..she's looking forward to it. She really misses teen activity at our church but the decision was made to play basketball. I told her life if full of choices.
Looking forward to a nice weekend, hopefully its cool, like to decorate for fall in my yard Sat. Also Dale's father is in a play at his church...that should be pretty exciting to see. I've never seen him do anything like this. Can't wait!!
Well I'm off to work......have a good one and until next time....GOD IS GOOD...All the time.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Got some exciting news today from my dad. He acually called me today. He got a new trachea collor on today that allows him to talk. This means that he is doing so much better. His breathing has greatly improved. THANKS FOR ALL THE PRAYERS!!
Also here are some pics from my anniversary weekend and Derrick's football.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
OK......Fall is here...YEAH!! My favorite time of year.
Dale and I just had our 14th wedding anniversary. He is such a wonderful loving husband. He bought me an very nice camcorder that also allows for still photos while taping. Its really nice. We spent the night in Yorktown, had an very nice dinner, walked on the beach, browsed through stores and hung out in our room....ALOT!! The next morning we went shopping at some outlet stores in Williamsburg. It was only for a night but it was a nice break in the action of running from hopsitals to ballfields. Nice getaway. I'll post some pics later from out trip.
Both Savannah and Derrick are homeschooling with some good friends of ours the DeLorge family. They are both doing great so far....good grades and making progress in getting caught up. They really love it!
Derrick is playing football again for Davis Vikings. So far his team is undefeated in the regular season games. He is playing tackle on defense and center or guard on offense. He is doing a great job. He is really enjoying it this year and gets to play with one of his best friends Chris. I'll upload some pictures after the next game.
Savannah....Savy as she likes to be called now is starting with SPIRIT Basketball through the homeschool network. They don't have their frist game till Nov. but she's really having a great time with the team practicing and getting to know new friends. I'll bring more news of her games...love to see folks come out and support her.
Dale is so busy at work. He loves his job with the county. I'm at the dental office in Brandermill. Its been a little crazy and frustrating but I'm working through it.
CHURCH is great....awesome sermons. The waters are being stirred and people are getting saved. We've had some answers to prayer and seen some true miracles in the last few weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD! The teens will be going on a train ride through the mountains of West Virginia around Oct 25th. I'm sure she'll have a great pics for me to post. Preacher has several out of town engagements. He's truly blessed and being greatly used of God.
I'm heading off to bed now. 5 am comes mightly early!! I'll try my best to keep things up to date better!! Time flys and everything happens so fast....but I'm having fun in the process.
Dale and I just had our 14th wedding anniversary. He is such a wonderful loving husband. He bought me an very nice camcorder that also allows for still photos while taping. Its really nice. We spent the night in Yorktown, had an very nice dinner, walked on the beach, browsed through stores and hung out in our room....ALOT!! The next morning we went shopping at some outlet stores in Williamsburg. It was only for a night but it was a nice break in the action of running from hopsitals to ballfields. Nice getaway. I'll post some pics later from out trip.
Both Savannah and Derrick are homeschooling with some good friends of ours the DeLorge family. They are both doing great so far....good grades and making progress in getting caught up. They really love it!
Derrick is playing football again for Davis Vikings. So far his team is undefeated in the regular season games. He is playing tackle on defense and center or guard on offense. He is doing a great job. He is really enjoying it this year and gets to play with one of his best friends Chris. I'll upload some pictures after the next game.
Savannah....Savy as she likes to be called now is starting with SPIRIT Basketball through the homeschool network. They don't have their frist game till Nov. but she's really having a great time with the team practicing and getting to know new friends. I'll bring more news of her games...love to see folks come out and support her.
Dale is so busy at work. He loves his job with the county. I'm at the dental office in Brandermill. Its been a little crazy and frustrating but I'm working through it.
CHURCH is great....awesome sermons. The waters are being stirred and people are getting saved. We've had some answers to prayer and seen some true miracles in the last few weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD! The teens will be going on a train ride through the mountains of West Virginia around Oct 25th. I'm sure she'll have a great pics for me to post. Preacher has several out of town engagements. He's truly blessed and being greatly used of God.
I'm heading off to bed now. 5 am comes mightly early!! I'll try my best to keep things up to date better!! Time flys and everything happens so fast....but I'm having fun in the process.
More cathcing up....

Ok, Derrick also got to go offshore fishing on a boat with his dad for the first time as part of his birthday present. They both had a blast. Derrick caught 6 different species of fish. He is to receive a special certificate from the Junior Anglers Awards Program for this accomplishment. He was really excited when the captain of the ship told him all about this.
OK...........Now for the not go good part of the update. Most of you already know about Aug 29th my mom fell and broke her ankle. Its been 4 weeks now and she has gotten the cast off. She is doing so good....GOD IS SO GOOD because we were told it could be 6 to 8 weeks of healing but God did it in 4. She is currently receiving rehab and physical therapy at Lucy Corr nursing home and we feel will be in as little as 2 week.
Just after Mom's fall my dad went back into the hospital. He's been in Henrico Drs now since Sept 13th. He's making excellent progress but we take it one day at a time. I run back and forth between the hospital and the rehab facility....work and church.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Derrick's Birthday
Well we get Savy out the way and a month later Derrick has his 12th Birthday. We celebrated at home with friends. He has fun. His birthday was Sept. 6th. It always falls around labor day. We also went to Yorktown for Labor Day with some friends and hung out for some fun in the sand and sun. We all had a great time.

Hello Family and Friends. Sorry its been such a long time since I've posted but so, so much has happened. I'll try to break this up into several posts to bring everyone up to speed on all the excitement, adventures and ups and downs life has brought out way!
Since Dale's birthday a lot has happened with my family. So I'll start with Savannah turning 15 on August 9th. I surprised her the week before with a birthday party at church during her teen activity. The week of her birthday we were in the midst of Vacation bible school at church so I planned a partyt he week before. My sister Alane was in from Maryland. She and I decorated the Thursday night before the party. Savannah thought that I was at church decorating my classroom for Vacation Bible school. All of the teens were invited as well as some of our family were there. She was truly surprised.
As we approached the building she saw some decorations up, she made the comment, "Oh wow, wonder what all that is....looks like a party." I responded by stating that I knew Ryan Bolton (a fellow teen) was having something tonight" When we walked in the door, I took my camera and prepared to take a picture...she just smiled and said "Oh my GOSH!!..You've got to be kidding me...this is for me?" She had no idea.
Savannah loves monkeys so we had a jungle theme and monkey decorations. The kids really go involved in the games and looked like everyone had a really great time!!
Since Dale's birthday a lot has happened with my family. So I'll start with Savannah turning 15 on August 9th. I surprised her the week before with a birthday party at church during her teen activity. The week of her birthday we were in the midst of Vacation bible school at church so I planned a partyt he week before. My sister Alane was in from Maryland. She and I decorated the Thursday night before the party. Savannah thought that I was at church decorating my classroom for Vacation Bible school. All of the teens were invited as well as some of our family were there. She was truly surprised.
As we approached the building she saw some decorations up, she made the comment, "Oh wow, wonder what all that is....looks like a party." I responded by stating that I knew Ryan Bolton (a fellow teen) was having something tonight" When we walked in the door, I took my camera and prepared to take a picture...she just smiled and said "Oh my GOSH!!..You've got to be kidding me...this is for me?" She had no idea.
Savannah loves monkeys so we had a jungle theme and monkey decorations. The kids really go involved in the games and looked like everyone had a really great time!!
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