Wow!! Can't believe that summer is gone. Where has the time flown.
So much has happened over the summer months. I tend to keep up with my Facebook more than the Blog. My husband doesn't realize keeping up on these sites takes time!! HAHA.
Savannah has turned 16, Derrick turned 13 this past Sunday. They both had great birthdays!!!
Savannah was recently in the Miss Chesterfield County Fair pageant. They are both starting basketball up again. Derrick decided not to play football this year.
Can't believe it was a year ago last Wed that my Dad went back into the hospital for the last time...and a year ago this Friday that we was transfered to Henrico Doctors where he ramained till he went to be with the Lord!! GOLLY...I MISS HIM SOOO MUCH!!!
I do however get to go to West Virginia this weekend to the Ladies Meeting...REALLY looking forward to it!! I'll try to post some pictures. If I don't...catch 'em on Facebook!!
Remember....God is good....ALL THE TIME!!!