Well my family and went to the Roanoke area last weekend to my Uncle Ray's house. We went to help him make homemade applebutter. We had a lot of fun and it was a unique experience for my kids. It allowed them to see how things "used" to be done. My uncle has three fairly large black copper lined pots that we set over fire and cook all day long.
My mom got to go with us and on the way back home Sunday we drove down Blueridge Parkway...its early yet for the leaves but it was still nice and cool and very beautiful drive.
Well basketball is gearing up now. Practices should start in the next week or so. Busy, busy again.
Tomorrow night Dale and the kids are driving with folks from church down to the Durham area to Bro Rick Finley's church to hear Dr. Jack Schapp from First Baptist in Hammond IN preach. For those who don't know....his church is where our teens go for youth conference. It should be a great time for them. I'd love to go but probably won't get off work in time...boohoo.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday, Monday!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend...I know I had a good one! It was a 1st week back at work!! I guess most of you know I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago. I'm healing fine from that...I'm awaiting results from some blood work his past Thursday to make sure my estrogen levels and hemoglobin is not low...otherwise I'm doing really good.
The kids went Swaders Sports Park Friday night for teen activity. They had a blast...good clean fun!!
Savannah got to spend the weekend with a friend and go to Kings Dominion Sunday...sound like they had a good time too.
Derrick and I wend soulwinning at churc Saturday. He got to go with his girlfriends dad and won a man to the Lord. I had the opportunity to go out with some of the teen girls that ride our buses to church. That was a blessing. I led a woman to the Lord and the girl that was with me was sooo excited. It was truly a blessing to see her excitement!
Then yesterday during Sunday school I had the opportunity to lead a young girl 17 to the Lord, she walked the isle after church and got baptized!!!
WHAT A BANNER WEEKEND!!! God is sooo good!
My husband and I will celebrate out 15th wedding anniversay this Thursday!! God had truly blessed me with a wonderful, loving man!!! God knew what I needed and 15 years down the road, I am truly blessed!! I don't know what I would do without him...he's my rock, my world!!!
Well that's all for now. Remember God is good... ALL THE TIME!!
The kids went Swaders Sports Park Friday night for teen activity. They had a blast...good clean fun!!
Savannah got to spend the weekend with a friend and go to Kings Dominion Sunday...sound like they had a good time too.
Derrick and I wend soulwinning at churc Saturday. He got to go with his girlfriends dad and won a man to the Lord. I had the opportunity to go out with some of the teen girls that ride our buses to church. That was a blessing. I led a woman to the Lord and the girl that was with me was sooo excited. It was truly a blessing to see her excitement!
Then yesterday during Sunday school I had the opportunity to lead a young girl 17 to the Lord, she walked the isle after church and got baptized!!!
WHAT A BANNER WEEKEND!!! God is sooo good!
My husband and I will celebrate out 15th wedding anniversay this Thursday!! God had truly blessed me with a wonderful, loving man!!! God knew what I needed and 15 years down the road, I am truly blessed!! I don't know what I would do without him...he's my rock, my world!!!
Well that's all for now. Remember God is good... ALL THE TIME!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Great weekend in West Virginia

We had a blast in Martinsburg, WV at Brother Jeff Owens church, Shenandoah Baptist Church for the ladie's conference. Great speakers and the message Brother Owens gave was just awesome!! He spoke about tasting and savoring a candy bar representing how we should appreciate all that we have been blessed with, all that God had provided us!! It was really, really good.
Also while Savannah and I were gone Derrick got to go fishing with his Dad. They had a great day of fishing and Derrick caught a 10lb catfish. Yeah for the one that "didn't" get a way!!
Well till later, remember...God is good..ALL THE TIME!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Been a long time!!
Wow!! Can't believe that summer is gone. Where has the time flown.
So much has happened over the summer months. I tend to keep up with my Facebook more than the Blog. My husband doesn't realize keeping up on these sites takes time!! HAHA.
Savannah has turned 16, Derrick turned 13 this past Sunday. They both had great birthdays!!!
Savannah was recently in the Miss Chesterfield County Fair pageant. They are both starting basketball up again. Derrick decided not to play football this year.
Can't believe it was a year ago last Wed that my Dad went back into the hospital for the last time...and a year ago this Friday that we was transfered to Henrico Doctors where he ramained till he went to be with the Lord!! GOLLY...I MISS HIM SOOO MUCH!!!
I do however get to go to West Virginia this weekend to the Ladies Meeting...REALLY looking forward to it!! I'll try to post some pictures. If I don't...catch 'em on Facebook!!
Remember....God is good....ALL THE TIME!!!
So much has happened over the summer months. I tend to keep up with my Facebook more than the Blog. My husband doesn't realize keeping up on these sites takes time!! HAHA.
Savannah has turned 16, Derrick turned 13 this past Sunday. They both had great birthdays!!!
Savannah was recently in the Miss Chesterfield County Fair pageant. They are both starting basketball up again. Derrick decided not to play football this year.
Can't believe it was a year ago last Wed that my Dad went back into the hospital for the last time...and a year ago this Friday that we was transfered to Henrico Doctors where he ramained till he went to be with the Lord!! GOLLY...I MISS HIM SOOO MUCH!!!
I do however get to go to West Virginia this weekend to the Ladies Meeting...REALLY looking forward to it!! I'll try to post some pictures. If I don't...catch 'em on Facebook!!
Remember....God is good....ALL THE TIME!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Great Sunday and firsrt swim meet of the season.
Had an awesome day at church today. Preacher was really on; great message about doing things for others, going the 2nd mile and making sure you're doing it for the right reasons!
Afterwards Savannah went with Preacher and another teen girl to the nursing home to sing and preach. They always have a great time sharing and caring for the shut-ins, many of which never have visitors or family that live near by. It's a great blessing to those folks.
Later this afternoon Derrick and Savannah had their first swim meet of the season against Woodmont. They both swam great. Derrick swam in 4 events and Savannah was supposed to swim in 3 but at the last minute she was asked to fill in for the Seniors Relay. That's always fun to watch...the senior swimmers battle it out in the final relay races. They always have a great time!!
Here's a few photos from today. Till next time...remember GOD IS GOOD!!!...all the time!

Afterwards Savannah went with Preacher and another teen girl to the nursing home to sing and preach. They always have a great time sharing and caring for the shut-ins, many of which never have visitors or family that live near by. It's a great blessing to those folks.
Later this afternoon Derrick and Savannah had their first swim meet of the season against Woodmont. They both swam great. Derrick swam in 4 events and Savannah was supposed to swim in 3 but at the last minute she was asked to fill in for the Seniors Relay. That's always fun to watch...the senior swimmers battle it out in the final relay races. They always have a great time!!
Here's a few photos from today. Till next time...remember GOD IS GOOD!!!...all the time!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Finally better!!!
Well I had an eventful week. Tuesday my right side started hurting a bit. As the day progressed it go worse to the point of being unbearable. Dale came home early and took me to patient first. After several xrays and blood work found that I had kidney stones. Boy was that painful. They put me on strong pain medication and I went home to wait it out.
Today I went for a catscan at the Urologist office, he said everything was clear. Needless to say it has been a long week...painful and frustrating.
I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY HUSBAND...he babied me all the way. Took good care of me and was there for my every whim!!!
Now I have to get my "system" back in check...the pain medication kinda slowed things up if you know what I mean!!! Any way, much better than the pain I was in.
Well baseball tomorrow, and our 1st swim meet on Sunday afternoon....SO GLAD IM BETTER!!!
Today I went for a catscan at the Urologist office, he said everything was clear. Needless to say it has been a long week...painful and frustrating.
I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY HUSBAND...he babied me all the way. Took good care of me and was there for my every whim!!!
Now I have to get my "system" back in check...the pain medication kinda slowed things up if you know what I mean!!! Any way, much better than the pain I was in.
Well baseball tomorrow, and our 1st swim meet on Sunday afternoon....SO GLAD IM BETTER!!!
Memorial Day and other fun!!!
Well a lot have happened since I last wrote. We had a great time Memorial Day with my family at Chapel Church. This is the church where my Dad and his sibblings grew up and attended their younger years.....a lot of memories there.

My Mom had a nice surprise also. One of my uncles is with the mission board to Poland. My Dad had asked him to find my Mom a toothpick holder on his next trip. Uncle Wayne honored that request and presented a beautiful Polish crystal holder to my mom during the dinner. It was a really great day!!
Memorial Day Monday, Me, Dale and the kids headed to the pool for a day of fun. Had a really nice time.

Of course with all that said and Memorial Day behind us....swim team has begun. So our weekly schedule consists now of...Monday baseball practice, Tuesday game for either Savannah or Derrick, Wendesday church, Thursday games, Friday teen activity or basketball practice for Derrick.....Monday - Friday swim practice 4-5....OK IM TIRED....is the weekend here yet!! LOL....oh wait we've got games on Saturdays too due to the wonderful rain....LOL
My Mom had a nice surprise also. One of my uncles is with the mission board to Poland. My Dad had asked him to find my Mom a toothpick holder on his next trip. Uncle Wayne honored that request and presented a beautiful Polish crystal holder to my mom during the dinner. It was a really great day!!
Memorial Day Monday, Me, Dale and the kids headed to the pool for a day of fun. Had a really nice time.
Of course with all that said and Memorial Day behind us....swim team has begun. So our weekly schedule consists now of...Monday baseball practice, Tuesday game for either Savannah or Derrick, Wendesday church, Thursday games, Friday teen activity or basketball practice for Derrick.....Monday - Friday swim practice 4-5....OK IM TIRED....is the weekend here yet!! LOL....oh wait we've got games on Saturdays too due to the wonderful rain....LOL
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well had a good day today. Just another busy day at work. Also found out Derrick has been invited to play back on the Bronco ballteam at Davis. He's excited about that.
My friend Angie turned 30 today. We had a little party for her at church tonight. It was really nice.

Looking forward to a great weekend with my family and Memorial Day celebration with all my Aunt, Uncles and cousins. We will be attending church at Chapel Church in Montpelier where my Dad and his brothers and sisters grew up. It should be a great day!
My friend Angie turned 30 today. We had a little party for her at church tonight. It was really nice.
Looking forward to a great weekend with my family and Memorial Day celebration with all my Aunt, Uncles and cousins. We will be attending church at Chapel Church in Montpelier where my Dad and his brothers and sisters grew up. It should be a great day!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Spirit Baseball
Just want to officially introduce our newest addition...Marshmallow or "Mallo" for short. Isn't she so beautiful...cutest thing you've ever seen!!
Now "Sheba" our other female is not too fond of her right now. "Zincs" our male cat has not been introduced to her yet...but I'm sure that meeting will be interesting too!!
Saturday, Mother/Daughter Banquet
Friday, May 15, 2009
Well we're home from our mini-vacation cruise to the Bahama's. Had a blast and took over 120 pictures. They all turned out so good. I'll be sure to get them posted...I've got them on my "Facebook' already if you want to view them. My mom really enjoyed herself and said she wanted to stay about 2 more weeks!! I think I could've stayed in Florida but not on the ship that long. So much to do and so little time.
My children and hubby gave me my first "Vera Bradley" purse for mother's day. Its beautiful...turquoise and brown floral print...the print is called "Gabby". Its' really nice....love it.
Busy week again with ball games and church. Mother/Daughter banquet this Saturday...should be really good. The girls are singing several songs to honor the mothers.
ALSO...please remember two things in prayer... my friend Ann Lacks in your prayers...her father passed away very suddenly and very young. He was only 47. I feel for her and know where she stands!!! She needs our prayers!
My sister's nephew Travis...diagnosed just two days ago with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma...he has a long road ahead with tests and chemo...he has a young son who needs him!! May God heal him completely!!
Well gotta run to work...enjoy the photos.
Remember...GOD IS SO GOOD!!! All the time.
My children and hubby gave me my first "Vera Bradley" purse for mother's day. Its beautiful...turquoise and brown floral print...the print is called "Gabby". Its' really nice....love it.
Busy week again with ball games and church. Mother/Daughter banquet this Saturday...should be really good. The girls are singing several songs to honor the mothers.
ALSO...please remember two things in prayer... my friend Ann Lacks in your prayers...her father passed away very suddenly and very young. He was only 47. I feel for her and know where she stands!!! She needs our prayers!
My sister's nephew Travis...diagnosed just two days ago with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma...he has a long road ahead with tests and chemo...he has a young son who needs him!! May God heal him completely!!
Well gotta run to work...enjoy the photos.
Remember...GOD IS SO GOOD!!! All the time.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Past Sunday- "Pack the Pews"
What a great day we had Sunday. It was very exciting with a lot happening. Preacher had a great message and we had several hands raised for salvation. Then some friends, the Knutsons, had their newest addition Luke dedicated and Jeremy got the privilege of baptising their son John David. What an awesome memory. I couldn't believe he was the same age that Derrick got baptised. Hard to remember that Derrick was that little at one time in life...LOL.
In addition to all that there was singing and special music that just blessed your heart. We had an afternoon session after dinner on the grounds. Our guest speaker was Dr. Jack Knapp who is as preacher says "our Watch Dog" on Capital Hill making sure that all these crazy un-Godly bills don't get passed that would hurt our families and our country. It was really great to hear him speak!! Such an abundance of knowledge.
We also had a baking contest with ham and desserts that were brought for dinner on the grounds. Well I got 1st place!! I was so surprised...couldn't believe it. I had borrowed a recipe from a co-worker for my dessert and really thought that would win...had no idea it would be my ham!! My prize...$50 gift card to Wal-Mart. An of course that came in very handy buying some last minute items for a cruise this weekend.
Speaking of which....I AM READY TO GO!!! A little nervous but ready none the less. We fly out of Richmond around 7am and come back Monday around 10:30 pm. We will be sailing our of Cape Canaveral to Nassau. Then we go to CoCo Bay Island (private island of Royal Caribbean Cruise lines) back to Nassau and then back to Florida. The kids are very excited too. They have never flown before and none of us have ever been on a cruise. Of course I will have lots and lots of pictures to show.
Until my return...remember...GOD IS GOOD!!! all the time.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here's the bike that we got for Derrick and of course Savannah is taking off with it too!! Derrick and his Dad took it to the mountains last Saturday to turkey hunt and play. I think they did more playing than hunting.
Savannah and I stayed and worked the "2nd Annual Car Show" We had a great, great day for it. The sun was out, lots of folks stopping by, great food. We couldn't have asked for a better day. I believe we had about 23 hands raised for salvation at the end of the day when Preacher spoke breifly thanking everyone for coming and gave the "Plan of Salvation". Just a banner day! A boy from our church had some fun with the face painting!! LOL...he was a hoot. Mr. Lacks our Associate Pastor with his AWESEOM ORANGE MUSTANG!! Love it.

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday with family and at church. What a great, great time. This kids of course got some goodies at home. My mom felt well enough to go to church with us. She had purchased a Hydrangea Bush, which was one of my Dad's favorite plants. She gave it in memory of my Dad and the bush was planted on the grounds at our church in front of the flag poles. Its beautiful.

The church survice was over the top, we had folks get baptized and saved. God is just really blessing. Afterwards we went to my mother and father-in-laws for a great family dinner. Just a blessed day over all!!

We're into our Spring program at church "6 weeks to Victory". Its a really exciting time with so much happening.
The next Sunday was missions Sunday. We let balloons go with gospel tracts. I didn't get any photos but it was a great sight to see all those colors floating in the air. Praying some one will get blessed and saved through that!!
This past Sunday was "Love my Church" Sunday. We all received photo's of our Preach and his wife and the Assoc. Pastor and his wife. Very nice. We had so many visitors!! There were family visiting for one of our members getting baptisted and a couple from the Car Show we had Saturday. Then a couple Ida and Eugene visiting from invitation from me and my husband. We then after purchasing a "mini" motorcycle for my son. We had about 8 saved Sunday and probably 31 visitors many of which say they will be back. What a great blessing!! I'll post more later....remember GOD IS GOOD....all the time.
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