WOW...Can't beleive a whole year has gone by. So much has been going in these last few months. Sorry I haven't updated the blog but its really the furthest thing from my mind.
We had a really good Thanksgiving. Since my in-laws had the house fire there was not room in their apt at the time for turkey so I drove her and my daughter to their cabin for the day and cooked the whole meal for them. Dale and D.D. were already there because they were hunting. We all had a really nice time and drove back that evening.
My Mom spend the day with my sister Alice so she wouldn't be in the house with memories. It was good being surrounded by family!! The following few days she spent with me while my husband and son were out of town. It was nice having her here just doing nothing stuff, messing around the house but basiclly chilling out!!
Well....then came Christmas...such a busy time. Mom spend Christmas Eve with us at our house. The kids got everything they wanted and more!!! I GOT A with that you'd think I'll be able to post every day!! LOL. My mom went back to her house later that day as my sister Alane was coming in town with her family. The 26th my whole family had our gathering and them my mom headed off to Maryland to spend a few weeks with Alane's family. She's really enjoying a change in scenery!!!
Church has been going really good. Alot has been happening, new familys, baptisms, GREAT sermons!!
We're having a Watchnight New Year's Eve service tonight. Gonna have some good clean fun! Can't wait!.
DERRICK JUST CALLED....HE SHOT HIS FIRST DEER....he got a doe!! GOD IS SO GOOD...I've been praying for him. His Daddy shot at one but they're still looking for the trail.
VERY EXCITING FOR HIM!!! Papa was looking down on him I'm sure.
Well gotta run for now. GOD IS GOOD, All the time!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just never know what life is gonna throw your way. Today my mother and father-in-law's home caught fire and 1/2 their home was destroyed. 40 years of hard work and memories up in smoke. Not sure what God is doing in all this but I know he's in control. I know he will see them through this!!
Please pray for them as they will certainly need strength and grace during this time. The holidays are upon us and this is be a tough.
I heard a local radio station playing Christmas music today and I just wasn't mentally prepared for that; I got really upset just thinking about not having my Dad here. I'm sure there will be many more times like this!!!
Also pray for my friend Pam after having surgery today. She will have several weeks of healing.
Please pray for them as they will certainly need strength and grace during this time. The holidays are upon us and this is be a tough.
I heard a local radio station playing Christmas music today and I just wasn't mentally prepared for that; I got really upset just thinking about not having my Dad here. I'm sure there will be many more times like this!!!
Also pray for my friend Pam after having surgery today. She will have several weeks of healing.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Savannah had her first basketball game Monday night. Her coach asked her to play up with Varsity. She was soooo excited and nervous. The girls won their game 53 to 14. Savannah got some good play time each quarter. She made one of the last baskets in the game. We are so proud of how well she played!!!
YEAH SNOW!!! Got to see a litte bit of it off and on yesterday!!! It was so pretty coming down.
Well I keep saying I'm going to have pics to show of everything but just finding time to download...UUGGH! I'll get em soon.
Later folks...GOD IS GOOD!! All the time.
YEAH SNOW!!! Got to see a litte bit of it off and on yesterday!!! It was so pretty coming down.
Well I keep saying I'm going to have pics to show of everything but just finding time to download...UUGGH! I'll get em soon.
Later folks...GOD IS GOOD!! All the time.
Saturday, November 15, 2008

I can't say enough about the wonderful ladies meeting we had at church this weekend...Classic Lady was the theme.
We had two guest speakers, Mrs. Finley and Mrs. Cathy Berry. What a great, great blessing to here them both. I had never heard Mrs. Berry speak. She was just so, so funny. Reminded me a lot of listening to Mrs. Marlene Evans. Same great spirit and just so funny.
Our Preacher's wife Mrs. Rhonda Talley got a great surprise for her birthday by having her daught Tammy and grandson Tanyon flown in from Idaho on behalf a some of the ladies at the church. She was so, so excited and just cried and laughed and cried some more!!
It was really a fun, fun time.
The decorations were absolutely beautiful once again courtesy of Ms. Tammi Schnarrs...she is just so, so talented.
I went a way with several personal decisions and things I need to change. Overall I beleive everyone got a blessing from the music to the speakers to the food!!!
Tomorrow is Old Fashioned Day at church. Gonna be a lot of fun there too with great "Old Fashioned" preaching, music and dinner on the grounds. Then off to my inlaws house for my neice's 13th birthday.
Well off to bed now. I'll hopefully have some pictures to load from church tomorrow as well as some really good pictures from the children singing at church last Sunday night!!
Take care..remember GOD IS GOOD!!!...all the time.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
WAY TO GO VIKINGS!!! Great game tonight and the team gave God the glory!!! I am so proud of my son's coaches. They pray before and after every game. What a great testimony. They won the 2nd round play-offs against Powhatan Cheifs 13-12. It was a very, very close game. Derrick made several great plays stopping the runner. It was a complete team effort.
Also one of the players got injured during a play. The team on the field was in a huddle. One of Derrick's team mates spoke up and said "Hey Derrick why don't you pray for Terrance" And so he did....Terrance walked off the field and was able to come back in the game!!! God is good! I told Derrick that is a good testimony to carry that his team mate know he's a Christian and prayer warrior!
Also one of the players got injured during a play. The team on the field was in a huddle. One of Derrick's team mates spoke up and said "Hey Derrick why don't you pray for Terrance" And so he did....Terrance walked off the field and was able to come back in the game!!! God is good! I told Derrick that is a good testimony to carry that his team mate know he's a Christian and prayer warrior!
Friday, November 7, 2008
One week behind me.
Can't believe its been a week since I lost my Daddy. I have the task of going to the Crematory tomorrow to pick up my Daddy's remains. WOW...just cannot believe he's gone. Then I got some more bad news today...please pray for a good friend of my Daddy's and church member; Elliot Keener...he lost his mother this morning. She had been fighting illness for a long time too. They are having to bring her home from Tenessee, please pray for that family.
I have such the hardest time walking in church...can't hardly walk in without crying. I just miss my Daddy so, so much!!!
Pray for Derrick's playoff game tomorrow also...THANKS!!
GOD IS GOOD...all the time.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Moving on....

Good morning. I have to go back to work today. My kids back to their school work. I feel like I'm in a daze, just kind of going through the motions but I'm told this is normal and that this to will pass.
Derrick has his second round play-off game this weekend. His coach dedicated all the game to my Dad on Derrick's behalf. Thought that was really cool for Derrick's sake.
Got a great picture of him from the last game...looking good.
Not to be lost in all the excitement but Savannah took some really nice pictures from train ride in the mountains with the Teen youth from church. I'll post those later as well.
Ok...bye for now. Remember...God is good!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"Time is a healer"
That is a quote from a good friend of my Dad's...Reverend Bill Worsham. I want to thank everyone that joined us today at the Memorial Services, everyone that brought food, sent a card, shook a hand, gave a hug, branded a smile, typed a bulletin, gave kind words...what ever part was played in making this day memorable and sweet...I THANK YOU!!!
God's grace is sufficient and I pray in the days to come it will continue not only with me but for my Mom, Frances.
I'll tell ya all about the services later.....heading to bed now...been a long day!!
GOD IS GOOD...all the time.
God's grace is sufficient and I pray in the days to come it will continue not only with me but for my Mom, Frances.
I'll tell ya all about the services later.....heading to bed now...been a long day!!
GOD IS GOOD...all the time.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
WOW...all I can say is WOW.

I had not idea went I woke this morning...all excited about the Fall Festival that I would end my night the way I did.
My Daddy, daddeo went to be with Jesus and my Nanny and Papa and his Paw Paw in Glory about 8:40 Friday night. just happened so fast. He knew he was ready and had the nurse call me about 3:00 Fri. afternoon. I couldn't get there till about 5:30 because I had to make arrangements at the church and get the game room covered (I HAD SOME GREAT AND WONDERFUL LADIES HELPING ME!!!) He told me he was ready to go and I asked was he sure about going to heaven and he said he was...He knew for sure. I told him ok then I'm ok to let him go.
They turned the vent off around 8:30 and ten minutes later he was with the Lord.
Please pray for my mom during this time....her health isn't great and she's very nervous. Thanks for the prayers.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Well its Friday!!! YEAH! Happy Halloween to all. Can't wait for the Fall Festival tonight at my church. A friend of mine helped me decorate last night. I'll add pics for that tonight. All the kids have so much fun with the games and the "spooky" trail.
I was talking last night and realized I've been heading up the game room for the younger children for almost 9 years now...WOW time flys.
Derrick has 1st play-off game tomorrow night....gonna be cold out there! He's pumped and ready.
Please also continue to pray for my mom and my dad. My mom is home..YEAH!!! God is Good! She's feeling better, getting physical therapy. My sister Alice has been staying with her till she gets to moving around good.
My dad had a few set backs last week with the dialysis port being clogged so he's been getting treatments every day this week and has been very, very weak. He just seemed so tired last night when I saw him. He really needs GOD's healing hand!!
Got to see my friends Candy and Mark's new baby Abigail...she's beautiful. So, so preacious. I forgot to take a picture. Candy needs your prayers for healing after the deliver but they are both doing well and the baby is feeding, crying and cooing very well!! LOL
OH forgot to mention....My secret sister at church....WOW she is so good to me. If you happen to be reading this..THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Such a great encouragement. I have gotten a card in the mail every week either at home or work and sometimes both places. Such encouraging words, heart felt and kind.
Well...don't get too scared out there today. Enjoy till next time! Remember...GOD is good!!
I was talking last night and realized I've been heading up the game room for the younger children for almost 9 years now...WOW time flys.
Derrick has 1st play-off game tomorrow night....gonna be cold out there! He's pumped and ready.
Please also continue to pray for my mom and my dad. My mom is home..YEAH!!! God is Good! She's feeling better, getting physical therapy. My sister Alice has been staying with her till she gets to moving around good.
My dad had a few set backs last week with the dialysis port being clogged so he's been getting treatments every day this week and has been very, very weak. He just seemed so tired last night when I saw him. He really needs GOD's healing hand!!
Got to see my friends Candy and Mark's new baby Abigail...she's beautiful. So, so preacious. I forgot to take a picture. Candy needs your prayers for healing after the deliver but they are both doing well and the baby is feeding, crying and cooing very well!! LOL
OH forgot to mention....My secret sister at church....WOW she is so good to me. If you happen to be reading this..THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Such a great encouragement. I have gotten a card in the mail every week either at home or work and sometimes both places. Such encouraging words, heart felt and kind.
Well...don't get too scared out there today. Enjoy till next time! Remember...GOD is good!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My family and I had one last hoorah at Busch Gardens this year. This was the 10 year anniversary of their "Jack is Back" scare fest. We had a really good time. Derrick does not ....I repeat DOES NOT like all that scary stuff but he was a trooper and went along....dragging behind!!! LOL.
I've got some pictures from out trip.
Also can't wait till Friday night at church we have our annual Fall Festival. Good clean fun for the kids. I usually run the game room for the younger children while the older ones take to the woods for a good scaring!! Good food, good fun so come join us if you can!!
I've got some pictures from out trip.
Also can't wait till Friday night at church we have our annual Fall Festival. Good clean fun for the kids. I usually run the game room for the younger children while the older ones take to the woods for a good scaring!! Good food, good fun so come join us if you can!!
Hello again. A lot has happened since I last posted. My mom came home from Lucy Corr on Thursday. She was having some trouble breathing but she came home figuring she would feel better with some medication. As of Saturday she had been doing breathing treatments about every 4-6 hours and was not getting better so my sister Alane took her to ER at Chippenham. They found she had fluid on her lungs and kept her. After a visit Sunday she looked a lot better and fluid was off so it seems to may be coming home today (Monday) if everything remains good. They contributed some of this to a medication that she takes.
Saturday Derrick had his last regular season football game.....They beat the Salem Cowboys 12-0 so now they're heading to the playoffs.
We also found out Saturday that my husband Dale's father fell. He has a disorder that affects his motor skills so at times his speech is impaired and unstable on his feet. He took 9 stitches but no serious head concussion etc. He was sent home but man he looks really, really bad!!!
Please keep Marvin Avery (Dale's dad) and my mom (Frances Murphy) and of course my dad who's still in ICU at Henrico Drs. in your prayers!!!
ALSO...I'll have someone else to visit at Henrico Drs as a friend from church Candy is having her baby this week...SO EXCITED FOR HER....Pray for a safe delivery!!!
SUNDAY at church was a good time. Great sermon by Preacher as usual. It was Pepsi Sunday. Everyone got a can of Pepsi and a Reese's Cup...YUMMY!! The children in Junior church got to spray down Bro. BillyMay with all kinds of Pepsi. They had lots of fun with that!!
Later....GOD IS GOOD!!
Saturday Derrick had his last regular season football game.....They beat the Salem Cowboys 12-0 so now they're heading to the playoffs.
We also found out Saturday that my husband Dale's father fell. He has a disorder that affects his motor skills so at times his speech is impaired and unstable on his feet. He took 9 stitches but no serious head concussion etc. He was sent home but man he looks really, really bad!!!
Please keep Marvin Avery (Dale's dad) and my mom (Frances Murphy) and of course my dad who's still in ICU at Henrico Drs. in your prayers!!!
ALSO...I'll have someone else to visit at Henrico Drs as a friend from church Candy is having her baby this week...SO EXCITED FOR HER....Pray for a safe delivery!!!
SUNDAY at church was a good time. Great sermon by Preacher as usual. It was Pepsi Sunday. Everyone got a can of Pepsi and a Reese's Cup...YUMMY!! The children in Junior church got to spray down Bro. BillyMay with all kinds of Pepsi. They had lots of fun with that!!
Later....GOD IS GOOD!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hello to all....I'm much better after my scare Wed afternoon!! I forgot to tell you that Wednesday Savannah had an orthodontist appointment for the first stage of getting braces on. She had to have 4 spacers places between some of her back molars. Tuesday of this week she will go back to have those removed and start the next step towards getting a palette expander. Her upper arch is too narrow and she has crowding so that have to expand her teeth. She's excited about all of this and has anticipated it for a while.
Her Dad and I are not has bubbling over with joy because of course we have to foot the bill but its what she needs.
My Dad is doing better but still havng some ups and downs. They gave him a blood transfusion Friday and that really pepped him up. His color looked really good and seemed much more alert. My Mom is doing great. They feel she may be able to come home next week.
My sister Alane came down Friday from Maryland to visit for the weekend. I have been so busy I haven't actually gotten to see her but I will tomorrow when we go visit with my Dad again.
I was really busy today helping do my Dad's part with the selling of brunswick stew. The Ruritan Club that he's part of makes some every spring and fall and this was the weekend....if you've never tasted oh don't know what you're missin'...ITS GREAT!!!
Derrick's football team won the division conference. The team is still undefeated and will head to the playoffs in the next week or so. They are about 5 games away from the Super Bowl. He's very, very excited. He's really played well this season.
Well I'll have some pictures to post after tomorrow....Its Western Round-Up Sunday at church. That's always a fun time and the teens are selling hotdogs to raise money for the train trip next weekend. That's gonna be a fun time too. Well gotta head of to bed....long day tomorrow.
Remember...GOD IS GOOD...All the time!!
Her Dad and I are not has bubbling over with joy because of course we have to foot the bill but its what she needs.
My Dad is doing better but still havng some ups and downs. They gave him a blood transfusion Friday and that really pepped him up. His color looked really good and seemed much more alert. My Mom is doing great. They feel she may be able to come home next week.
My sister Alane came down Friday from Maryland to visit for the weekend. I have been so busy I haven't actually gotten to see her but I will tomorrow when we go visit with my Dad again.
I was really busy today helping do my Dad's part with the selling of brunswick stew. The Ruritan Club that he's part of makes some every spring and fall and this was the weekend....if you've never tasted oh don't know what you're missin'...ITS GREAT!!!
Derrick's football team won the division conference. The team is still undefeated and will head to the playoffs in the next week or so. They are about 5 games away from the Super Bowl. He's very, very excited. He's really played well this season.
Well I'll have some pictures to post after tomorrow....Its Western Round-Up Sunday at church. That's always a fun time and the teens are selling hotdogs to raise money for the train trip next weekend. That's gonna be a fun time too. Well gotta head of to bed....long day tomorrow.
Remember...GOD IS GOOD...All the time!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Craziness around every corner!!
Well the last few days have been eventful. First I found out this past Monday that my dad has been on a medication called Saroquel (?spelling). Its for anit-anxiety and to help him sleep. He was being given this medicaton 3x a day. I got him taken off of that.
Thanks to the help of a good friend I was able to get my Mom to the doctor Tuesday after she remembered she had an appointment at the last minute. She's doing so much better and they're talking about sending her home. She can't wait. We have to get with the PT and OT and get her released.
Yesterday after having an early "Boss's Day" luncheon I was cleaning up and started to cough then my chest got really tight. Shortly I became very winded and had trouble breathing. My husband had just picked my kids up from me, they had been at work with me all day. I called him back and he immediately took me to the ER. After chest xray and EKG they still weren't sure what was going on. I received a breathing treatment and got sent home with two prescriptions. The tx knocked me out (not sure what's in that stuff) but I was out and slept all night. This morning I was fine like nothing had ever happened.
We think I had an allergic reaction of some kind but all I know it was very, very scary not to be able to breathe.....Can't imagine what my dad must be feeling...GUESS I GO A SMALL TASTE OF IT!!!
Well Derrick gets to go to his first Homecoming dance tomorrow night with his football team. Still undecided if he's going but I'm sure he'll have fun it he does.
Well off to be for me...Till next time...GOD IS GOOD!!! All the time.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
In need of prayer!!
Hello all. Saturday about 2:30. I got a call that my Dad had to be put back on the ventilator. He didn't look good last night when I saw him. I picked my mom up from Lucy Corr nursing home and took her to see him. They had not seen each other in little over a week.
He slept almost the whole time we were there. His carbon dioxide levels are extremely high. A healthy person's levels are around 40%, my dad's normal level is in the 70%...last night is was hovering around 81% and today it was much higher. His body has come accustomed to the the high levels but not that high. Its basically like carbon monoxide poisoning...very similar result thus he's very sleepy and disoriented.
Derrick had a game today...I will update on that later. Take care and until we speak again...Remember....GOD IS GOOD...All the time!
He slept almost the whole time we were there. His carbon dioxide levels are extremely high. A healthy person's levels are around 40%, my dad's normal level is in the 70%...last night is was hovering around 81% and today it was much higher. His body has come accustomed to the the high levels but not that high. Its basically like carbon monoxide poisoning...very similar result thus he's very sleepy and disoriented.
Derrick had a game today...I will update on that later. Take care and until we speak again...Remember....GOD IS GOOD...All the time!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hooray for the weekend!

I'm so glad its Friday. What a week. Had its ups and downs. The upside to it is hat my Dad, Marshall Murphy is doing so much better. I went to visit with him last night. He has shown so much improvement. He will possibly move to a regular room today or by the weekend. He has been breathing on his own without the ventilator now for over 24 hours. The doctors were contemplating removing the trachea but that's still up in the air. GOD IS SO GOOD! I told him I had been fasting and praying for him all week long. God really showed himself to me this week!! What a mighty God we serve!!
My Mom, Frances is doing really well also. She has been walking with her walker and getting around really good. I'm going to take her to visit with my Dad this afternoon if she's feeling up to it. I know he'll be glad to see her.
Derrick has a football game at Midlothian High school tomorrow morning. I thank the Lord for keeping him safe. So many of our players have been injured this year...I believe we have about 5 or 6 kids out with broken arms or a leg between the Junior and Senior team. His team is still undefeated so far which mean they will be in the playoffs. He's really excited!
Savannah will start her basketball games Nov. 13..she's looking forward to it. She really misses teen activity at our church but the decision was made to play basketball. I told her life if full of choices.
Looking forward to a nice weekend, hopefully its cool, like to decorate for fall in my yard Sat. Also Dale's father is in a play at his church...that should be pretty exciting to see. I've never seen him do anything like this. Can't wait!!
Well I'm off to work......have a good one and until next time....GOD IS GOOD...All the time.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Got some exciting news today from my dad. He acually called me today. He got a new trachea collor on today that allows him to talk. This means that he is doing so much better. His breathing has greatly improved. THANKS FOR ALL THE PRAYERS!!
Also here are some pics from my anniversary weekend and Derrick's football.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
OK......Fall is here...YEAH!! My favorite time of year.
Dale and I just had our 14th wedding anniversary. He is such a wonderful loving husband. He bought me an very nice camcorder that also allows for still photos while taping. Its really nice. We spent the night in Yorktown, had an very nice dinner, walked on the beach, browsed through stores and hung out in our room....ALOT!! The next morning we went shopping at some outlet stores in Williamsburg. It was only for a night but it was a nice break in the action of running from hopsitals to ballfields. Nice getaway. I'll post some pics later from out trip.
Both Savannah and Derrick are homeschooling with some good friends of ours the DeLorge family. They are both doing great so far....good grades and making progress in getting caught up. They really love it!
Derrick is playing football again for Davis Vikings. So far his team is undefeated in the regular season games. He is playing tackle on defense and center or guard on offense. He is doing a great job. He is really enjoying it this year and gets to play with one of his best friends Chris. I'll upload some pictures after the next game.
Savannah....Savy as she likes to be called now is starting with SPIRIT Basketball through the homeschool network. They don't have their frist game till Nov. but she's really having a great time with the team practicing and getting to know new friends. I'll bring more news of her to see folks come out and support her.
Dale is so busy at work. He loves his job with the county. I'm at the dental office in Brandermill. Its been a little crazy and frustrating but I'm working through it.
CHURCH is great....awesome sermons. The waters are being stirred and people are getting saved. We've had some answers to prayer and seen some true miracles in the last few weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD! The teens will be going on a train ride through the mountains of West Virginia around Oct 25th. I'm sure she'll have a great pics for me to post. Preacher has several out of town engagements. He's truly blessed and being greatly used of God.
I'm heading off to bed now. 5 am comes mightly early!! I'll try my best to keep things up to date better!! Time flys and everything happens so fast....but I'm having fun in the process.
Dale and I just had our 14th wedding anniversary. He is such a wonderful loving husband. He bought me an very nice camcorder that also allows for still photos while taping. Its really nice. We spent the night in Yorktown, had an very nice dinner, walked on the beach, browsed through stores and hung out in our room....ALOT!! The next morning we went shopping at some outlet stores in Williamsburg. It was only for a night but it was a nice break in the action of running from hopsitals to ballfields. Nice getaway. I'll post some pics later from out trip.
Both Savannah and Derrick are homeschooling with some good friends of ours the DeLorge family. They are both doing great so far....good grades and making progress in getting caught up. They really love it!
Derrick is playing football again for Davis Vikings. So far his team is undefeated in the regular season games. He is playing tackle on defense and center or guard on offense. He is doing a great job. He is really enjoying it this year and gets to play with one of his best friends Chris. I'll upload some pictures after the next game.
Savannah....Savy as she likes to be called now is starting with SPIRIT Basketball through the homeschool network. They don't have their frist game till Nov. but she's really having a great time with the team practicing and getting to know new friends. I'll bring more news of her to see folks come out and support her.
Dale is so busy at work. He loves his job with the county. I'm at the dental office in Brandermill. Its been a little crazy and frustrating but I'm working through it.
CHURCH is great....awesome sermons. The waters are being stirred and people are getting saved. We've had some answers to prayer and seen some true miracles in the last few weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD! The teens will be going on a train ride through the mountains of West Virginia around Oct 25th. I'm sure she'll have a great pics for me to post. Preacher has several out of town engagements. He's truly blessed and being greatly used of God.
I'm heading off to bed now. 5 am comes mightly early!! I'll try my best to keep things up to date better!! Time flys and everything happens so fast....but I'm having fun in the process.
More cathcing up....

Ok, Derrick also got to go offshore fishing on a boat with his dad for the first time as part of his birthday present. They both had a blast. Derrick caught 6 different species of fish. He is to receive a special certificate from the Junior Anglers Awards Program for this accomplishment. He was really excited when the captain of the ship told him all about this.
OK...........Now for the not go good part of the update. Most of you already know about Aug 29th my mom fell and broke her ankle. Its been 4 weeks now and she has gotten the cast off. She is doing so good....GOD IS SO GOOD because we were told it could be 6 to 8 weeks of healing but God did it in 4. She is currently receiving rehab and physical therapy at Lucy Corr nursing home and we feel will be in as little as 2 week.
Just after Mom's fall my dad went back into the hospital. He's been in Henrico Drs now since Sept 13th. He's making excellent progress but we take it one day at a time. I run back and forth between the hospital and the rehab and church.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Derrick's Birthday
Well we get Savy out the way and a month later Derrick has his 12th Birthday. We celebrated at home with friends. He has fun. His birthday was Sept. 6th. It always falls around labor day. We also went to Yorktown for Labor Day with some friends and hung out for some fun in the sand and sun. We all had a great time.

Hello Family and Friends. Sorry its been such a long time since I've posted but so, so much has happened. I'll try to break this up into several posts to bring everyone up to speed on all the excitement, adventures and ups and downs life has brought out way!
Since Dale's birthday a lot has happened with my family. So I'll start with Savannah turning 15 on August 9th. I surprised her the week before with a birthday party at church during her teen activity. The week of her birthday we were in the midst of Vacation bible school at church so I planned a partyt he week before. My sister Alane was in from Maryland. She and I decorated the Thursday night before the party. Savannah thought that I was at church decorating my classroom for Vacation Bible school. All of the teens were invited as well as some of our family were there. She was truly surprised.
As we approached the building she saw some decorations up, she made the comment, "Oh wow, wonder what all that is....looks like a party." I responded by stating that I knew Ryan Bolton (a fellow teen) was having something tonight" When we walked in the door, I took my camera and prepared to take a picture...she just smiled and said "Oh my GOSH!!..You've got to be kidding me...this is for me?" She had no idea.
Savannah loves monkeys so we had a jungle theme and monkey decorations. The kids really go involved in the games and looked like everyone had a really great time!!
Since Dale's birthday a lot has happened with my family. So I'll start with Savannah turning 15 on August 9th. I surprised her the week before with a birthday party at church during her teen activity. The week of her birthday we were in the midst of Vacation bible school at church so I planned a partyt he week before. My sister Alane was in from Maryland. She and I decorated the Thursday night before the party. Savannah thought that I was at church decorating my classroom for Vacation Bible school. All of the teens were invited as well as some of our family were there. She was truly surprised.
As we approached the building she saw some decorations up, she made the comment, "Oh wow, wonder what all that is....looks like a party." I responded by stating that I knew Ryan Bolton (a fellow teen) was having something tonight" When we walked in the door, I took my camera and prepared to take a picture...she just smiled and said "Oh my GOSH!!..You've got to be kidding me...this is for me?" She had no idea.
Savannah loves monkeys so we had a jungle theme and monkey decorations. The kids really go involved in the games and looked like everyone had a really great time!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
4th of July Week- Mini Vacation.
Here's some of the vacation pictures I promised. We had such a great time. Also Savannah sent some pictures from the trip so far. I'll be adding those later...they are having a great time from what I here!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wow so much has happened in the last few weeks. We went on a mini-vacation. Took some great pictures. Came home last Saturday 5th only to find out my Dad was really sick. He spent a week in the hospital; brought him home last Friday. 
Monday 7th was my father-in-law's 70th birthday and this past Sunday, July 13th was Dale's 50th birthday.
Today Savannah left for youth conference in Hammond, Indiana. Please pray for all of their safety!!! I know she'll have a great time as she always does.
It's obviously late as you can see form the time of this posting. I'll update more later!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New Addition at our Church!!

So excited for friends of mine Amy and David DeLorge. They welcomed a son into the world, Aydein Joseph, Tuesday July 1st. We are all so very happy for them. They bring him home tomorrow, Amy is doing really good, hopefully all their other children will make an easy adjustment to their new brother!!
We are also excited to head out early Thurs...that would actually be today..hee hee..for a little mini vacation. I'll take lots a pictures!!
We are also excited to head out early Thurs...that would actually be today..hee hee..for a little mini vacation. I'll take lots a pictures!!
Our Preacher is healing well from breaking his jaw a few weeks ago...please continue to keep him in your prayers!
Savannah got to help celebrate her friend Breanna's 16th birthday Monday night. It was a really sweet time. Now Savy is counting down the days till she gets her Learners Permit....OMG!!!! Actually she's a good driver but still OMG...can't believe she'll be 15 in a matter of weeks, Aug 9th.
Take care all....I'll touch base after we're back in town!
Take care all....I'll touch base after we're back in town!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Its a Monday!!
Well yesterday was busy. Roger and I ran out route in the van. Great sermon by Preacher!!! "Who are thou?" Thought provoking sermon.
On the way home I got a call from my, he was having trouble breathing. Ended up going to the ER with him.
He's alright now. Found out that he just needed to turn up his oxygen when he's doing extra work or anything that exerts him like working in the garden or mowing the lawn.
Now I'm looking forward to vacation next week!!! Can't wait to spend time with my family without all the hustle and bustle. Hope to have some relaxing time.
Later guys....
On the way home I got a call from my, he was having trouble breathing. Ended up going to the ER with him.
He's alright now. Found out that he just needed to turn up his oxygen when he's doing extra work or anything that exerts him like working in the garden or mowing the lawn.
Now I'm looking forward to vacation next week!!! Can't wait to spend time with my family without all the hustle and bustle. Hope to have some relaxing time.
Later guys....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Crenshaw 1st Place
I'm so excited for my daughter...God gave her team the Victory tonight and they won their game taking 1st place in their division in the playoffs. They all got an awesome trophy. She was excited to see her youth director Mr. Lack at her game. Of course that made her nervous but she played awesome along with the rest of her teammates.
The other cool thing about it is that Crenshaw also took 1st place on the 10U, 12u teams as well...all levels except 18U...that's pretty neat.
So that's the end of softball and baseball for us....on to football camps and training which will take us into the fall.
I'm looking forward to the little hiatis I'll get in between sports. And looking forward to vacation next week. Hopefully get to Busch Gardens, Water Country and Yorktown for the fireworks. I'll be taking some more awesome pictures to download for your viewing pleasure...HEE HEE.
Well that's all for now,
Friday, June 20, 2008
Well...its Friday....TGIF. Savannah will be coming home from camping with the teens all week. Can't wait to see her. I'm sure she will have some exciting stories to tell.
My friends the Milottes are home from was good to see them. We had been keeping their dog Candy while they were away. It was actually supposed to be Savannah's job but of course Derrick and I took over in her absence!! LOL She'll have to divy up her earnings.
My softball team plays the final round tonight...We're all excited. Hoping Savannah will be home in time to play also. If we win then its final ....should we lose then we play a double header for the Championship. We've played this team night before last and won so hopefully God will give hte victory again tonight. We're playing at Byrd Field 6 if anyone would like to come cheer us on.
Well gotta get to work....I'll add some more pics and stuff later
Until we meet again....GOD IS GOOD!!! All the time.
My friends the Milottes are home from was good to see them. We had been keeping their dog Candy while they were away. It was actually supposed to be Savannah's job but of course Derrick and I took over in her absence!! LOL She'll have to divy up her earnings.
My softball team plays the final round tonight...We're all excited. Hoping Savannah will be home in time to play also. If we win then its final ....should we lose then we play a double header for the Championship. We've played this team night before last and won so hopefully God will give hte victory again tonight. We're playing at Byrd Field 6 if anyone would like to come cheer us on.
Well gotta get to work....I'll add some more pics and stuff later
Until we meet again....GOD IS GOOD!!! All the time.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Well my daughter's softball team, 14U Crenshaw Cardinals have won the second round of the play-offs while Savannah is camping with the teens form church. Hopefully she'll be home Friday to get to play int he final round. I've got some great pics to download...I'll figure all that out soon enough.
Later to bed.
Later to bed.
Pictures to come.
Just getting started!
I'm new to "blogging" and just created this one. Hope you enjoy reading about our family, friends, church and adventures.
I'll work on this more later with pictures and updates.
THANKS for your patience...check back soon!
REMEMBER.....GOD is good!!.....All the time!!!
I'll work on this more later with pictures and updates.
THANKS for your patience...check back soon!
REMEMBER.....GOD is good!!.....All the time!!!
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